Funding: Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project
Project number: PP 112695
Number of partners: 14
Countries represented: Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Poland and UK
Main products
- The CD-Rom Clay Plaster and Design contains training and teaching resources for the course “Clay Plaster and Design” in German and English.
CDs are also available in Bulgarian-English, French- English, Polish-English or Greek.
A translation into Czech, Slovakian and Slovenian was achieved in 2010 as part of the Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Transfer Project HlinArch.
A translation into Estonian, Finnish and Swedish was achieved in 2014 as part of the Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Transfer Project Northern Clay Plaster Project.
Partial translations were done in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
- The CD Clay Plaster Photo Gallery is aimed especially at trainers. The CD contains the same picture galleries as the course CD but in high resolution.
- The CD “Les enduits en Terre” contains an educational film supporting the module “Clay plastering basics and skill development” in French language.
Order form :
languages available :
- on CD : Bulgarian-English, French- English, Polish-English, Greek, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian
- on USB flash drive (stick) : Estonian, Finnish, Swedish and English
Under the leadership of FAL e.V. a team of 14 partners developed a training course “Clay Plaster and Design”. This training course was meant to offer regional craft companies new opportunities in the clay plaster market sector.
It is aimed not only at earth building experts but primarily at plasterers, stuccoers, painters and decorators. It also addresses those (self-taught) specialists, who have gained years of practical experience in earth building without having passed an officially recognised qualification.
In Germany, the course for the qualification of “Designer in Clay Plastering (HWK)” has been accredited by the Chamber of Crafts in Schwerin and is therefore recognised throughout Germany. The 200 hour course ends with an assessment by the Schwerin Chamber of crafts.
These materials are now being used not only for the recognised course “Clay Plaster and Design” but in different formal or informal learning environments all over Europe, e.g. learning on building sites, in short training courses or in vocational schools.
Detailed description of the modules and the CD’s :
Clay Plaster and Design is a vocational training course based on three modules :
- Module 1: Clay Plaster and basic knowledge
- Module 2: Design
- Module 3: Marketing
Areas covered are the practical and theoretical basis of clay plastering, design skills and competence, marketing and customer focus. The training method is interactive and builds on experimental practical work. Central to this is a detailed understanding of the building material, clay, its unique properties and use, understanding the effect of colours and materials as design elements and, not least, understanding how to develop market strategies.
Training and teaching resources
The training course consists of 46 sessions, which can be arranged flexibly into course programmes. Each session consists of a session plan which contains the essential information for the trainer such as learning targets and educational methods. The sessions are supported by information sheets and pictures for illustration, exercise sheets and text sheets with background information. Information sheets and photos can be printed out in A3-format and incorporated into workshop work. This way, theoretical and practical training can be closely connected. Training materials, the planning of practical work and choice of language have been carefully chosen so as to equally address both men and women.
The 46 units in the course modules “Clay Plaster and Design” are available on CD Rom:
Module 1 / Sustainable construction : Indoor room climate : Indoor rendering systems : Building site : Structural damage to earth renderings : Commercially available products : Exterior renderings : Basic properties of earth : Determining the mixture : Preparing the underlying surfaces : Selecting a rendering structure : Stabilised mortars and washes : Preparation of the underlying surfaces : Applying single-layer renderings : Finishing colours : Final treatment of surfaces : Earth as a raw material : Earth mortars for rendering
Module 2 / A journey through time and techniques : Clay plaster design : Colour symbolism : Colour ordering : Colour contrasts : Ornamentation : The effects of colour : Material and surface : interior design with colour : Exploration of earth as a material : Colouring of clay plasters : Making sample panels : Coloured fine clay plasters : Sgraffito techniques : Modelling techniques : Colour combinations in interiors : Design techniques with clay plaster : Interior design with clay plaster
Module 3 / The Market : Distribution policy 1 : Pricing and Quality 1 : Corporate Identity : Distribution policy 2 : Pricing and Quality 2 : Talking to clients : Best practice : Summary 31 picture gallery with all together 500 Photos illustrate the learning targets. A bibliography contains books, magazines and links in all partner languages. An index contains 217 key words and supports a search function.
The materials on the CD have been published in the respective languages of the partner countries. Points unique to each country such as building legislation and national examples of “good practice” have been included in the respective language versions. The marketing module contains a relevant example of a regional company to demonstrate “good practice”.
The CD-Rom Clay Plaster and Design contains training and teaching resources for the course “Clay Plaster and Design”.
Languages available
The CD Clay Plaster Photo Gallery is aimed especially at trainers. The CD contains the same picture galleries as the course CD but in high resolution. The photos can be printed in A4 or A3 format and, in this way, can be used for presentation in any learning environment (training workshop or on site).
More than 500 photos are compiled into 31 picture galleries related to the learning targets of the sessions: Earth as a building material : Sustainable building : Exterior plasters : Products : Wall heating : Damage : Work site organisation : Finishes : Plaster bases : Plaster layers : Kitchen and baths : Exercises : Details : Clay plaster application : Exploration of the material earth : Travel through Cultures: Africa / South America / Asia / Australia/ Europe / North America : Earth & light : Cracks & polish & sgraffito : Crack & print : Relief examples : Asante Reliefs : Modelling 1&2.
The photo galleries have an English commentary.
The CD “Les enduits en Terre” contains an educational film supporting the module “Clay plastering basics and skill development” in French language. Content: function of plasters, basic properties of earth, plaster mixtures, application, structure of earth as a building material, plaster bases, first layers, finish. Trainers: Richard Lacortiglia, Julien Chabanne. A film by Benjamin Guillot, Association le Gabion, length 26 min.