Funding: Leonardo da Vinci Partnership
Project number: 2013-DE2-LEO04-16101 + partner code
Number of partners: 9
Countries represented: Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and UK
Main products
- courses held within the project
- project poster
To increase the potential impact, “New Members for ECVET Earth Building’” has taken place in close relation with PIRATE. Adding Poland and Cyprus to the list, here “old” plaster and “new” building partners work, exchange and learn together integrating a whole system.
“New Members for ECVET Earth Building” allowed additional mobility of learners and trainers eager to exchange experience in ECVET courses and exams in order to apply for membership in the new MoU-Partnership ECVET Earth Building. Its mobility nature also helped further dissemination of Earthbuilding ECVET, offering exchange among ‘old’ plaster and ‘new’ building partners.