Why is the performance expressed as a percentage ?
The subdivision into 6 ranges of performance (100-92%, 91-81% etc.) is based on the directives for evaluation given by the German chamber of crafts for the diploma „designer for clay plaster“ that these ECVET units are linked to.
Is it possible to use different marks ?
Yes. The subdivision into six performance classes allows the assessors to choose a more simple way of evaluation, with the levels “6=very good”, “5=good”, “4= acceptable”, “3=sufficient”, “2=poor”, “1=unsatisfactory”. Any other system, for example 0 to 20 points, may be converted into percentages.
Why does the candidate have to sign the evaluation sheet ?
At the end of the assessment, there should be a dialogue between the assessor and the candidate, where the examinee can comment on his/her performance and where the assessor can explain their evaluation. By signing the evaluation sheet, the candidate confirms this dialogue and accepts the result of the assessment.
What about credit points ?
There is an agreement about how many points each of the units would be worth, according to the whole value of the diploma “designer for clay plaster” (handbook part I §3.5). But the ECVET credit points are not yet used in any vocational system of the participating countries (June 2012).