13 organisations have signed the revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2015.
4 organisations have entered the MoU in 2019,
2 organisations have entered the MoU in 2022.
They are entitled to issue Learn•Earth certificates.
They may deliver Learn•Earth certificates after ECVET Earth building assessments they have sent assessors to and helped an organism, who did not yet sign the MoU, with organising the exams.
Czech Republic
SHS – Sdružení hliněného stavitelství z.s.
MoU Organisation N° 1
Czech earth building association and training center
Address | Porici 273/5 63900 Brno |
Telephone/fax | +420 604208111 |
info@hlina.info | |
Website | http://www.hlina.info/ https://www.facebook.com/hlinene.stavitelstvi/?ref=br_rs |
MoU Organisation N° 16
Address | Mooste Mõisa tall-tõllakuur Mõisahoovi tee 5, Mooste alevik Põlvamaa 64616 Eesti |
Telephone/fax | +372 56 226 066 |
tere@eestimaaehitus.ee | |
Website | http://eestimaaehitus.ee/ http://facebook.com/eestimaaehitus |
AsTerre – Association nationale des professionnels de la terre crue
MoU Organisation N° 7
The French umbrella organisation, founded in 2006, promotes companies which are active in Earth Building and offers them a platform for the exchange of ideas. The membership of specialists from other professions, such as e.g. planners and training organisations, enables the creation of comprehensive projects for vocational training and the recognition of Earth Building technologies.
Address | 700 rue de la Pierre d’Etat 76650 Petit Couronne |
Telephone | +33 (0)6 47 00 55 26 |
info@asterre.org https://fr-fr.facebook.com/asterre |
Website | www.asterre.org |
Centre de formation Batipole en Limouxin
MoU Organisation N° 8
Training center for ecological building
Address | Zone industrielle 11300 Saint Martin de Vellereglan |
Telephone/fax | +33 (0)4 68 31 32 15 |
accueil@batipolelimouxin.com | |
Website | www.batipolelimouxin.com |
MoU Organisation N° 2
Qualifies unemployed women in the sectors of ecological Building, Earth Building and the preservation of monuments, and trains female joiners. The association initiates hands-on social building projects in disadvantaged city areas for children, young people and adults with or without a background of migration.
Address | Lehderstrase 108 13086 Berlin |
Telephone/fax | +49 (0)30 920 921 76 |
post@baufachfrau-berlin.de | |
Website | www.baufachfrau-berlin.de |
Berufiches Schulzentrum Leipziger Land
MoU Organisation N° 3
Vocational school for dual training, offers trainees in masonry/bricklaying and painting the option of an Earth Building qualification within their practical trade instruction and plans the development of a competence centre for Earth Building.
Address | Rothaer Strasse 04564 Böhlen |
Telephone/fax | +49 (0)34206 7 55 90 |
stammschule@bsz-leipziger-land.de | |
Website | www.bsz-leipziger-land.de |
Contact person | Dietmar Schäfer |
EBL gGmbH – Europäische Bildungsstätte für Lehmbau Wangelin gGmbH since 2021 (before FAL e.V. – European School OF Earth buiding)
MoU Organisation N° 4
The Association for the promotion for economically and ecologically adequate conditions of life which is based in Mecklenburg, combines employment market requirements with sustainable regional development. Building on the local tradition of clay and brick construction, FAL e.V. initiated the Lehm+Backsteinstrasse (clay and brick street) with the focal points of the Clay Museum, Wangeliner Garden and European School for Earth Building.
Address | Dorfstr. 27 19395 Ganzlin OT Wangelin |
Telephone/fax | +49 (0)38737 2 02 07 |
anfrage@lernpunkttlehm.de | |
Website | www.lernpunktlehm.de |
Knobelsdorff-Schule, Oberstufenzentrum Bautechnik I, Berlin
MoU Organisation N° 5
Technical college
– Young people are qualified for earth building techniques in a vocational preparation year. These pupils run their own earth building company.
– Trainees in wood and Building protection, masonry crafts and preservation of monuments (Technical Assistant) complete a one-week earth building foundation course.
Address | Nonnendammallee 140-143 13599 Berlin |
Telephone/fax | +49 (0)30 33503-0 |
kontakt@knobelsdorff-schule.de | |
Website | www.knobelsdorff-schule.de |
MoU Organisation N° 6
LehmbauKontor Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. since 2021 no longer partner of MoU
Netzwerk Naturbau since 2021 (before Lehmwerk e.V.)
MoU Organisation N° 14
Address | c/o Sven Hänichen Am Treptower Park 12435 Berlin |
Telephone/fax | +49 (0)176 56331474 |
kontakt@netzwerknaturbau.de | |
Website | https://netzwerknaturbau.de/ |
ANAB – Associazione nazionale architektura bioecologica
MoU Organisation N° 9
Address | Via Cipro n. 30 25124 – Brescia |
Telephone/fax | +39 342 5610454 |
info@anab.it | |
Website | www.anab.it |
Centro da terra
MoU Organisation N° 15
The ‘Centro da Terra’ association is a forum for exchange on earth building techniques, materials, construction and architecture.
CdT promotes research, training, documentation, dissemination, conservation, regulations in the field of earth construction.
CdT holds, promotes or sponsors conferences, courses, seminars, colloquia, exhibitions, debates and study visits.
CdT participates working groups and cooperates with similar entities, both national and foreign.
CdT organizes regular meetings for the presentation, by associates or not, of scientific or practical works, related to the theme of earth construction or others considered relevant.
Address | Associação Centro da Terra (CdT) Biblioteca Municipal Manuel da Fonseca / Centro de Documentação Teresa Beirão Rua Eng. Costa Serrão 25 7540-185 Santiago do Cacém Portugal |
Telephone/fax | +351934293061 |
info@centrodaterra.org | |
Website | http://centrodaterra.org/ |
https://www.facebook.com/associacao.centro.da.terra/ |
WUT – Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
MoU Organisation N° 19
Address | Boulevard Vasile Parvan, no. 4, 300223 ,Timisoara, Timis, Romania, |
Telephone/fax | +40 737 468 322 |
Website | https://www.uvt.ro/ro/ https://www.facebook.com/uvtromania |
KFZ – Klub finih zanata
MoU Organisation N° 20
Address | Svetozara Miletića 113 21245 Mošorin, Serbia |
Telephone/fax | +38 1649653269 |
zemljanarhitektura@gmail.com | |
Website | https://zemljanarhitektura.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/129639717224862 |
MoU Organisation N° 10
Address | Ekocentrum ArTUR Hrubý Šúr 237 903 01 Senec |
Telephone/fax | +421 (0)905 514 725 |
ozartur@gmail.com | |
Website | www.ozartur.sk https://www.facebook.com/ozartur/ |
Hoblina t.c
MoU Organisation N° 11
Address | Somolickeho 1, 811 05 Bratislava |
Telephone/fax | +421 (0)903 688 119 |
hoblina@gmail.com | |
Website | www.hoblina.szm.sk |
Estudios Sobre Tierra: Energía, Patrimonio y Ambiente
(Studies on Earth: Energy, Heritage and Environment)
MoU Organisation N° 17
ESTEPA was created in 2007, and has ever since been developing the objectives and activities described in its Statute (see website): earth building training in different techniques (adobe, rammed earth, cob, CEB, plasters), recovery of traditional heritage, earthen community equipment, research and testing of low-cost natural materials innovations. Different kinds of activities have been addressed to a wide variety of public aged from 2 to 80, amateur and professional, technical or/and socially-based; in about 10 different cities and towns in Spain, but also in UK, Argentina and Senegal until now.
Address |
Calle Real 1B
Gordoncillo 24294
Telephone/fax |
+34 652 501080
Website |
www.estepa.org https://m.facebook>estepa
www.facebook.com/estepa.asociacion |
United Kingdom
MoU Organisation N° 12
Address | Sedum Cottage, Owen Street, Pennar, Pembroke Dock, SA72 6SL |
Telephone/fax | +44 (0)7736904186 |
info@strawbuild.org | |
Website | www.strawbuild.org |
SNaB – The School of Natural Building since 2022 (before Straw Works)
MoU Organisation N° 13
Address | Hollinroyd Farm, Todmorden OL14 8RJ |
Telephone/fax | +44 (0)772 071 6589 |
schoolofnaturalbuilding@gmail.com | |
Website | www.schoolofnaturalbuilding.co.uk |